Docker commands in Chinese

    📅 July 26 2019

    How to use docker, follow these commands. 🔗

    Access files using github api

    📅 March 26 2020

    Upload a file to github repository, and request it. Yes, it is normal. This blog make it more smoothly. 🔗 Read more...

    How to change the color of first word in Windows PowerShell

    📅 February 28 2020

    By default, the color of first word in PowerShell is yellow. Sometimes it is not visible, especially when you changes the text background color. 🔗 Read more...

    A simple way to map landuse

    📅 February 25 2020

    Here is a simple way to create a landuse map. 🔗 Read more...

    Remote desktop connection

    📅 February 12 2020

    How to connect another desktop remotely? 🔗

    General concepts of matplotlib

    📅 February 11 2020

    What is figure, axes and axis in matplotlib? Check the introduction of general concepts firstly. 🔗 Read more...

    Plotting fonts when using matplotlib

    📅 January 14 2020

    When you want to use a font when plotting using matplotlib in python, it returns ‘not found’. The answer maybe here. 🔗 Read more...

    How to Enable Copy and Paste Keyboard Shortcuts in WSL

    📅 November 23 2019

    Sometime Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V is a easy way to do things. 🔗 Read more...

    Free ebooks on deep learning

    📅 November 18 2019

    Here is some free ebooks on deep learning. 🔗 Read more...

    Key steps for case degine under the SCC / 海绵方案设计核心步骤 (中文)

    📅 September 18 2019

    场地海绵方案如何设计?一步一个脚印即可。 🔗