
    📅 June 20 2024

    证件照最繁琐的是如何抠出最理想的人像图片,比如人物衣服边缘、头发丝等。本实践借助removebg免费版实现了自助制作证件照的最佳实践。 🔗

    GPT ports

    📅 April 29 2023

    GPTs and autonomous Agent tools. 🔗

    Deply python and install dependencies within Node-RED-addon in Homeassistant

    📅 January 05 2024

    Node RED can be deployed within Home Assistant OS by using the community addon-node-red. Python is not a dependency for the running of node-red, so it was not a built-in in the image. How to add python and install needed dependencies in the addon container. 🔗 Read more...


    📅 February 28 2021

    最近回到国内,不知什么原因,访问Github时出现“无法下载release”、“克隆速度慢”、“raw文件无法查看”等问题。网上搜索后发现还有很多网友也碰到这一问题。在此梳理下解决方法。 🔗


    📅 October 11 2023

    近年来,河海大学虞美秀博士围绕我国最大的淡水湖泊——鄱阳湖开展了干旱、防洪、生态等方面的研究工作,部分成果发表在国内外行业顶级期刊。 🔗

    How to write a Jekyll blog

    📅 September 01 2019

    This is a templete to show how to write a post. 🔗 Read more...

    Update home assistant core and os

    📅 June 24 2023

    Recently I installed homeassistant os VM on my Ubuntu. When I tried to update the latest core and os, it return 'HomeAssistantCore.update' blocked from execution, no host internet connection and 'OSManager.update' blocked from execution, no supervisor internet connection. I posted the solutions in this post. 🔗 Read more...

    Github actions jobs/workflows/repository depend on each other

    📅 May 21 2023

    If you are using GitHub Actions to automate your workflows, you might want to trigger a workflow based on another workflow’s completion or status. For example, you might want to run some tests after a build workflow finishes, or deploy your application only if the tests pass. In this blog post, I will show you three methods to achieve this functionality. 🔗 Read more...