Voronoi diagram for polygons
Voronoi diagram for polygons is a tool to create a Voronoi diagram also known as Thiessen polygons for polygons. It’s based on Shapely and GeoPandas. There are lots of tools to create a Voronoi diagram for points, for example Create Thiessen Polygons (Analysis) in ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop, Voronoi Polygons in QGIS, or voronoi_diagram in Shapely. All of them are really cool. How about a Voronoi diagram for polygons? That’s what this tool does.
Adaptive curvefitting is a tool to find potentially optimal models for your research data. It’s based on scipy, numpy, and matplotlib.
The modified Sankey chart to visualize the landuse/landcover change flow in Nanjing.
Banks/ATMs near your place which works for CSC debit cards.
A collection of some useful architectures/frameworks of deep learning / neural network.
A template of OmegaT team project.
Scripts to generate Meixiu Yu’s publications automatically for the Jekyll website Although it is a special case, there are also something to be learned.
Calculator for loan and repay
polygon(for test)