Impact of the Three Gorges reservoir operation on downstream ecological water requirements

Authored by Meixiu Yu, Published in 2012

Item Content
Title Impact of the Three Gorges reservoir operation on downstream ecological water requirements
Author Qiongfang Li and Meixiu Yu and Jianhua Zhao and Tao Cai and Guobin Lu and Wei Xie and Xue Bai
Journal Hydrology Research
Year 2012
Volume 43
Issue 1-2
Pages 48-53
Abstract With population increase and economic growth, the flow regime of the Yangtze River has been altered to some extent by human activities, particularly dam construction. Dam-induced alterations in the flow regime of the Yangtze River will unavoidably influence water allocation among different water users and instream ecological water requirements may not be guaranteed during some months, particularly during phases of reservoir storing water. To assess the impacts of the Three Gorges reservoir operation on the downstream minimum instream ecological water requirements, this paper selected the Three Gorges reservoir and Yichang hydrological station below the reservoir as case study sites. On the basis of long-term time series of daily discharge data, the reservoir outflow was simulated under two water storing schemes and the degree to which the downstream minimum ecological flow was satisfied was …
Cited by 39 (Updated on Feb-08-2025)

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