Responses of storm-based soil erosion processes to land use changes in the upper Huaihe River basin China

Authored by Meixiu Yu, Published in 2020

Item Content
Title Responses of storm-based soil erosion processes to land use changes in the upper Huaihe River basin China
Author Qiongfang Li and Guobin Lu and Xingye Han and Zhengmo Zhou and Tianshan Zeng and Meixiu Yu and Hongjie Wang
Journal Environmental Earth Sciences
Year 2020
Volume 79
Issue 15
Pages 1-12
Abstract Better understanding the impacts of land use changes on storm-based sedigraphs in semi-humid and humid regions is critical for their soil erosion control. Based on the LULC, soil, precipitation, evaporation, flow and sediment data in the 1990 s to 2000 s from the Dapoling catchment of the upper Huaihe river basin, land use changes from the 1990 s to 2000 s were examined, storm-based sedigraphs under two decades’ land use patterns were simulated using a water-sediment model, which was built by coupling the Xin’anjiang model and the newly developed soil erosion model and calibrated, respectively, in the 1990 s and 2000 s, the impacts of land use changes on the storm-based sedigraphs were investigated, and the role of storm-based sediment load in its annual total and the relationship between storm rainfall and storm-based sediment load were discussed. The results revealed: land use pattern in the …
Cited by 4 (Updated on Jan-08-2025)

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