First release of voronoi-diagram-for-polygons

Posted by Bruce Liu on , updated on July 26, 2020

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Voronoi diagram for polygons is a tool to create a Voronoi diagram also known as Thiessen polygons for polygons. It’s based on Shapely and GeoPandas. There are lots of tools to create a Voronoi diagram for points, for example Create Thiessen Polygons (Analysis) in ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Desktop, Voronoi Polygons in QGIS, or voronoi_diagram in Shapely. All of them are really cool. How about a Voronoi diagram for polygons? That’s what this tool does.

Table of contents

Installation, update and uninstallation


It’s based on voronoi_diagram from Shapely which is new in version 1.8.dev0. As of today, it is still a deveoping version. (2020-07-26) You can install or upgrade to the latest version by using:

pip install git+
pip install --upgrade git+

To install

Quick installation with [pip]:

pip install voronoi-diagram-for-polygons

Or from github:

pip install git+

Also, you can just copy related functions from “[/longsgis/]” to your work.

To update

pip install --upgrade voronoi-diagram-for-polygons

To uninstall

pip uninstall voronoi-diagram-for-polygons

Known shortages

  • It may produce some polygons (unconnected polygons) around the boundary.

How to cite

If this tool is useful to your research, star and cite it as below:

Xiaolong Liu, & Meixiu Yu. (2020, July 26). longavailable/voronoi-diagram-for-polygons. Zenodo.

Easily, you can import it to Mendeley.



  • First release.
Python tools

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