Deply python and install dependencies within Node-RED-addon in Homeassistant

Posted by Bruce Liu on January 5, 2024

🏷️ Tags: home assistant , Nodered , Node RED , Python , linux

Frenck, the maintainer of node-red-addon declared,

Python is not needed to run node-red.

So Python is not built in the node-red addon.

Athough it support the options of system_packages, npm_packages, and init_commands to extend its function. While a explicit method to implement Python script is still needed.

Nevigate to node-red-addon contianer from Terminal in HA

docker exec -it addon_<your addon id>_nodered /bin/bash

Choose a comfortable source of Alpine Linux (skip if it’s not needed)

sed -i 's/' /etc/apk/repositories

Add python and pip

apk add py3-pip

Choose a comfortable source of PyPI (skip if it’s not needed)

pip3 config set global.index-url

Install necessary Python packages

pip3 install requests beautifulsoup4

Implement the above in a flow

[{"id":"05fbd5fa4cea99e8","type":"exec","z":"6defd24b07e25d51","command":"sed -i 's/' /etc/apk/repositories && apk add py3-pip && pip3 config set global.index-url && pip3 install requests beautifulsoup4","addpay":"","append":"","useSpawn":"false","timer":"","winHide":false,"oldrc":false,"name":"安装python脚本依赖项","x":440,"y":260,"wires":[["9bf90b61cf6ca404"],["9bf90b61cf6ca404"],["9bf90b61cf6ca404"]]}]
Python tools

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