Impact of human activities on the flow regime of the Hanjiang

Authored by Meixiu Yu, Published in 2009

Item Content
Title Impact of human activities on the flow regime of the Hanjiang
Author Guo Lu and Jun Wang and JianHua Zhao and MeiXiu Yu
Journal Proceedings Symposium JS. 3 at the Joint Convention of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) and the International Associaiton of Hydrogeologists (IAH)
Year 2009
Volume /
Issue /
Pages 197-202
Abstract The Hanjiang River is the longest tributary of the Yangtze River. With the development of water resources, the flow regime of the Hanjiang River has been altered by dam building to some extent, and consequently water allocation water allocation Subject Category: Miscellaneoussee more details between different water uses may be affected. To assess dam-induced alterations in the flow regime of the Hanjiang River, this paper selected three hydrological stations above and below the Danjiangkou reservoir, as case study sites, and the whole study period was divided into two subperiods by the year when the reservoir started to store water. On the basis of the 51-year long time series of daily discharge data, the alterations in annual, seasonal, monthly and daily runoff runoff Subject Category: Miscellaneous
Cited by 7 (Updated on Feb-08-2025)
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